
Within our “domestic” category you will find all of our domestic seed mixes. And to make it easy they match our turf varieties – Jubilee, Garden Lawn, Shadesman+ and Titan.

Showing all 4 results

  • Jubilee Premium Lawn Seed

    £12.99 incl VAT

    900g Invest in the best for your lawn. Our purity and germination certified Premium Lawn seed is ideal for overseeding existing lawns or creating a beautiful new lawn from scratch.

  • Shadesman+ Seed

    £25.99 incl VAT

    200g Our new Shadesman+ Seed is perfect for repairing bare patches in Shadesman+ lawns or creating a new lawn from scratch.

  • Harrowden Amenity Grass Seed 20Kg Bag

    £100.00 incl VAT

    The seed cultivars in this mix have been specially selected to provide a cost-effective general purpose landscaping seed mix, ideal for repairing existing lawn areas or creating large-scale grassed areas.

  • Titan seed

    Titan Turf Lawn Seed

    £25.99 incl VAT

    900g Titan Turf Lawn seed is ideal for hard wearing, drought and shade tolerant areas. Its deep rooting properties will help stabilise soil whilst its slow growing nature means less mowing.   Buy One Get One Free

We take just as much care and trouble over the development of our domestic seed mixes as we do the cultivation of our turf. So if you are looking to extend your lawn our seed mixes will match. They can also help with repairs after a harsh winter or support over seeding. And if you have thin patches then these dedicated domestic seed mixes will match your original turf and give you all the benefits of our 60 years in the business.

For our Jubilee Seed Mix  – we’ve chosen grass species that are tough enough to cope with a five-aside footie game. But they are also yet soft enough for a baby to take their first steps on. If there is such a thing as a lifestyle grass seed mix, Jubilee is it.

The unique blend of cultivars have been carefully chosen for their year-round greenness, resistance to disease and visual merit. So it ensures a well-balanced, all-round premium lawn suitable for a range of  applications.


Shadesman +

The Shadesman+ seed mix is exactly the same as our Shadesman+ turf. It benefits from the same careful seed selection and plant breeding. Starting with the wild grasses that spend most of their year under the snow of alpine meadows, our Shadesman+ seed mix has been refined, improved and domesticated.

It looks and feels just like a normal lawn but won’t lose its colour or its vigour in low light conditions. It grows relatively slowly.

Expect to mow around 50% less frequently even though its high shoot density means that a  lawn sown with Shadesman+ will be thick, luxurious and very hard-wearing.

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