Equine Sports

Equine sports grass seed mixes for horse racing courses, gallops, polo fields and other equine sports must be carefully selected. Standard criteria include resilience, durability, and the ability to withstand intensive use. The ideal species are those that provide a dense, even turf, offer good recovery after wear, and are resistant to diseases.

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Horse racing grass seed mixes typically include Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescues.

Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a popular choice because of its rapid germination and robust growth. It offers excellent wear tolerance, making it ideal for high-traffic areas. So it can be found on racecourses, polo fields and other equine sports arenas. Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis), known for its ability to create a thick sward, is another good option. Not only does it have good regenerative properties thanks to its rhizome network, but it also helps in maintaining good surface quality. Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is valued for its drought resistance and deep root system. As a result it makes a durable choice suitable for drier conditions.

The benefits of these equine grass seed mixes include a safe and firm footing for horses, reduced risk of injury, and a visually appealing surface. Mixtures combining these species ensure a balanced sward that maintains its integrity under the rigorous demands of equestrian sports. A well-maintained turf also offers natural shock absorption, essential for reducing impact on horses’ legs during high-speed activities.

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