Frequently Asked Questions About Newly Laid Turf

3 min read

frequently asked questions about newly laid turf

What does your newly laid turf need most during those all important first few weeks? We answer your most frequently asked questions about newly laid turf, be it TurfOnline’s Garden Lawn turf or the popular Jubilee lawn turf variant.

The care that your turf receives in the first month after laying absolutely crucial. After all the time and money you’ve invested in your new lawn, the last thing you need to happen is for it to die.

You will definitely need to pay special attention to watering and mowing for these two activities have the biggest effect on how your lawn establishes and what it will look like in the future.

Here is an extract from David Hedges-Gower’s book “Modern Lawn Care” in which he answers commonly asked questions on how to care for newly laid turf.

How long will it take to bed in and ‘root’ properly?

As always, you will have to go out and assess this yourself by checking the root system. If the turf cannot be lifted then it has bedded in. There is no timescale on this, but be aware that once it has bedded in, you still need to care for ongoing rood development and health.

How soon can I mow new turf?

Before mowing, check that the turf has knitted (firmly rooted into the soil) and make sure your lawn mower blade is sharp. See the mowing section of David’s book for guidelines on how much grass to remove

How soon should I feed my new lawn?

If you have managed to apply a pre-turfing fertiliser, then this should be absorbed by the roots during the first 6-8 weeks. After this, keep an eye on the new lawn and refer to the chapter in David’s book on Nutrition. Your turf supplier will also help with any advice on suitable fertilisers.

It’s important to establish a feeding regime early on. Once your newly laid turf has established and has had it’s first couple of cuts, it’s a good idea to give it a feed.

The Turfonline team recommend applying Rejuvenator lawn feed between October and February to encourage a strong healthy root system. For spring summer applications, switch to Vivid Green lawn feed to support grass growth.

How should I water new turf?

Watering turf is the important final step that you must plan for in advance, ensuring you have a good water supply and enough time! Make sure you have a good quality sprinkler and hosepipe (before your turf arrives) and that pressure is good, especially if you have a large lawn. Do not flood the turf but ensure soils become and remain moist, otherwise you could cause shallow rooting. Your turf supplier can give you some useful watering advice.

When should I water?

For optimum results, water very early in the morning or late at night. Evenings are better as the water has a longer time to absorb into the soil profile and the plant has more chance to use the water. However, daytime can be useful (or indeed necessary in very dry periods) especially if the sunshine is not too strong.

If it rains, should I still water?

If your new lawn still needs good watering, a quick rain shower may or may not be enough. You are the one who must monitor it and see. You can peel back a corner of turf to see if it has rained enough to penetrate the soil. However, even if you don’t need to water that day, use a water butt to capture the rain for another time as it can give much better results than tap water.

How long do I need to keep watering?

Every lawn is different but 2-3 months is usually enough time. Monitor the new lawn carefully looking for signs that it is surviving on drier days.

Other helpful links

Order lawn feed online

Getting the best from your new lawn

Lawn care Calendar – a month by month summary of what to do when

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