Green roofs for environmentally friendly urban development

2 min read

urban green roofs

Green roofs for environmentally friendly urban development – There is a an increasing demand for builders, developers, architects, planners and local authorities to consider the environment when undertaking a project. One solution that can have a positive impact on the local environment, is to install a green roof.

How green roofs help the urban environment

Green roofing can reduce rainwater run-off significantly. Over the past few years, changes in the UK weather have led to increased rainfall and widespread flooding. In many urban areas, outdated drainage systems no longer have the capacity to handle the amount of water. Green roofing can reduce the amount of run-off by between 50% and 90%, enabling local drainage to work more effectively and prevent flooding.

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Air and noise pollution

can be improved by green roofing. The vegetation on a green roof absorbs harmful emissions and will filter particles of dust and smog from the air. It also removes carbon dioxide, replacing it with oxygen. Green roofing, along the routes of major roads, can thus improve air quality and the health of those who live and travel in these areas. Noise pollution is also reduced because green roofs will insulate buildings from sound waves, reducing noise by up to 8 dB.

As the climate warms, those in urban areas are turning to air conditioning to keep their houses cool during the summer. In urban areas the buildings absorb more heat and reduce air flow. Buildings with air conditioning make the situation worse by using more energy to control temperature. Air-con will also pump hot air back into the local area. Green roofing, however, can make a positive contribution to this environmental problem. It will cool and humidify the air, making it more comfortable and reducing the need for expensive solutions.

If you are a builder, developer, architect, planner or local authority looking for solutions to improve urban environments, we’d be more than happy to discuss how Enviromat can help you achieve your goals.

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