How could a green roof benefit your organisation?

2 min read

control weeds on a green roof

Green roofs are now popping up in cities across the United Kingdom, as many businesses both large and small are realising the benefits that installing a green roof could have for their company. But, some people are still not convinced by green roofs, mainly because they don’t understand what advantages they offer their brand. So, with that in mind, here’s two ways that installing a green roof on your office or company building could benefit your business.

1. Green roofs can increase productivity

In a recent blog post  we talked about the findings of a new study, which showed that workers who took breaks in a green space were more productive than those who took breaks in a concrete space. So, having a green space within for employees to take their break leads to them being more productive for the rest of the day. Surely, that can only be good news for your business. In addition, installing a green roof can help make your employees feel more valued by the company, which will lead them to work harder and thus become much more productive over time.


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2. A green roof can become a part of your brand

As well as improving productivity among your workforce, installing a green roof on your office or company building can also help develop, strengthen, and define your brand. In today’s marketplace, branding is now integral to the success of any company, and with so many businesses competing for the same customer base, you need to make yourself stand out. This is where a green roof can come in very handy. You can use a green roof to show your customers or clients that you care about the environment and your workforce, which is a great exercise in branding.

There you have it – a couple of ways that installing a green roof on your office or company building could benefit your employees, and your business as a whole.

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