How to grow from grass seed – FAQ’s

3 min read

lawn repairs with grass seed
How to grow from grass seed.

Being the UK’s most esteemed turf producer, we’re often asked how to grow grass seed. This question is second only to – “how to get grass seed to grow in the summer”. Our answer is always that growing grass seed is simple but slower than turf. In order to give more detail, here are some of our most frequently asked questions on the best grass seed to grow, the best time to grow grass, how to get grass seed to grow in the summer, and more.

What is the Best Time of Year to Grow Grass Seed?

Grass seed can be sown at any time of year but for best results for growing grass seeds, we recommend sowing in autumn or spring.

Seeds need warm, moist soil to germinate. In the UK, grass sowing conditions are best in spring and autumn when Mother Nature provides mild temperatures and gentle rain for free.

If you’re questioning how to get grass seed to grow in the summer, your soil and grass seeds will need lots of watering and the soil will need to be aerated and prepped.
Grass seed sown in winter is likely to be eaten by birds before the soil gets warm enough for it to grow.

What Type of Grass Seed Is Best?

That all depends on what you want to use your lawn for…

summer party lawn

For a family lawn or a sports field, opt for a hard-wearing lawn seed mix that contains both perennial ryegrass and smooth stalked meadow grass. These two species are generally hardwearing and disease resistant. They’ll stand up to the wear and tear caused by children, football matches and dogs. They’ll also tolerate a little bit of neglect if need-be.

For a luxury lawn, a bowling green, croquet or a golf green pick something that contains Chewings Fescue, Slender Creeping Red Fescue and/or Browntop Bent. These grass species have lovely fine leaves that can be mown short and give a velvety texture with a smooth playing surface.

For a shaded lawn, opt for a specialist seed that is shade tolerant like the Shademan + grass seed. Ordinary grass seed won’t give you the results you need.

How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

For creating a new lawn, we recommend sowing grass seed at about 30g per square metre. Much less than that and your lawn will take a long time to thicken up. Go over that rate and the individual grass plants will be competing for nutrients and sunlight. When plants are too close together they are weak, disease-prone and likely to die. To give your grass the best chance consider the condition of your soil and make sure you’re choosing the best time to seed grass. Lots of water and little disturbance are very important to the seeds’ survival too.

See our blog post on how to calculate the amount of grass seed you need here.

How Should I Prepare Soil For Sowing Grass Seed?

Preparing the soil for grass seed is exactly the same as preparing the soil for turfing. Don’t forget to use a pre-turfing fertiliser like Rapid Roots pre-turfing fertiliser – it’s just as important for seeding as it is for turning.

Read more on how to prepare your soil for sowing grass seeds here.

Can I Use Grass Seed to Repair My Lawn?

Absolutely yes, you can. Seeded repairs are best made in early spring or early autumn.

First of all, try to work out what has caused the bare patches. If it’s shade, choose a shade-tolerant grass seed for over-sowing. If it’s soil compaction, aerate the soil before over-seeding otherwise the new grass won’t thrive.

Remove all debris from the area and rake it thoroughly to loosen the soil. Sprinkle around 10g of grass seed per square metre onto the bald bit and water it in well.

Read more about repairing your lawn with grass seed here.

Have We Answered Your Questions?

If you are still pondering about any aspect of growing or repairing a lawn with grass seed, please don’t hesitate to contact our team for advice.

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