How a natural lawn can reduce stress

2 min read

lawn weeds - annual meadow grass

How a natural lawn can reduce stress – April is National Stress Awareness Month –

All over the country, healthcare professionals have joined forces to raise awareness of the dangers, the symptoms and the causes of stress. And they will have been helping us to find ways to manage stress levels.

At Turfonline, we believe that one of the best ways to combat stress is to get out in the garden.

A natural lawn can reduce stress – Here’s why.
  • Being out of doors in a green space has been proven to lower heart rates and calm anxiety. I like to walk my dogs in the countryside – and I find it helps me to clear writers block.
  • Mowing the lawn needs movement and energy (unless you use a ride-on mower). It’s the sort of activity that helps to release endorphins or “happy chemicals” in the body. These make us feel energised and lift a low mood.
  • Your lawn is a great surface for exercising on. It absorbs impact, is gentle on knees and elbows, smells awesome and pumps out the oxygen you need to keep you going. Try doing some yoga or Thai Chi out of doors if the weather isn’t too cold. A game of badminton, rounders, football or even Swingball is a great mood booster as well as being a sociable way to spend an afternoon.
  • Science has shown that there are microscopic creatures in soil that actually boost our immune systems. They help us to stay well. I’m not suggesting you go outside and eat dirt, but having some sort of contact with the soil IS good for you. My favourite is lie on my belly, on the lawn and read a good book. Either that or get on my knees to trim the edges of the lawn. I get a mood boost and tidy lawn at the same time. Bonus.
  • No science for this one – but can you remember a time when the smell of a newly mown lawn DIDN’T make you smile? I can’t.
  • Being able to harness nature and create something beautiful is a terrific challenge. If you can create the sort of lawn that your friends admire and your neighbours covet – you have every right to feel good about yourself. And that’s a great way to beat stress.
More benefits from natural lawns

Natural lawns are better for wildlife than artificial lawns |

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