The wildflower meadow in May

1 min read

wildflower meadow in May

The Wildflower Meadow in May – Some years ago (about 5, I think) I planted a mini wildflower meadow using Meadowmat wild flower matting.  It’s not let me down ever.  These pictures tell of the promise of another great floral display for this summer.

wildflower meadow in May

White deadnettle nestling beside columbine leaves.  I love the shape of these flowers – they’re like little rain hoods that completely cover visiting bumblebees.

Tightly furled bud of oxeye daisy.  I love the glossy leaves on this plant – it never seems to get sick or diseased (unlike my roses!).  Can’t wait for these flowers to open in a couple of weeks’ time.

wildflower meadow in May

Common sorrel.  Such an interestingly shaped flower spike.  Much more delicate than it’s cousin the Sheep’s sorrel.  The leaves of this plant are edible – I’ll be including them in my summer salads and whizzing them up in my Nutribullet as a change from spinach.

wildflower meadow in May

Tufted vetch.  Apologies about the closed-up flowers.  They’re so lovely when they’re open but today is a bit chilly for them.  They need some sunshine to coax them into life – a bit like me!

wildflower meadow in May

Common knapweed.  It’s far too early in the year to see flowers but I’m so pleased to see that the plants have survived the winter.  The purple flowers are a true favourite of my honeybees.

Saving the best til last.  Red Campion.  Such a beautiful flower, especially when you see it in great swarths.  I’ll be saving some seed from these plants and sowing it in other parts of the garden next year. 

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