Using spring bulbs with Meadowmat

2 min read

bulbs with meadowmat
Make more of your wildflower area by adding some spring flowering bulbs

Using Spring bulbs with Meadowmat – Many of our native wildflowers don’t bloom until at least the middle of spring. So make the most of your wildflower area by adding some spring bulbs. They’re timing their arrival for when there is the optimum number of pollinating insects to visit. However, some pollinators wake up earlier in the year and are looking for pollen and nectar. Give them a helping hand AND bring early colour into your garden by planting spring flowering bulbs amongst your wildflowers.

When should I plant spring flowering bulbs

For best results, spring flowering bulbs should be planted in autumn time – between September and December.

Planting bulbs beneath Meadowmat wildflower turf

Nothing could be easier that planting bulbs beneath Meadowmat wildflower turf.

  • Remove any existing vegetation – even the roots! – and dig or rotovate the soil to at least 15cm deep.
  • If the area has been used as a lawn or for growing crops, remove the nutrient rich soil and replace it with Low Nutrient Topsoil.
  • Depending on the effect you want to create, a density of 10 bulbs per square metre is ideal. You can arrange the bulbs in small clusters or scatter them randomly for a more natural look.
  • Rake the soil thoroughly to create a fine tilth
  • Place your spring flowering bulbs on to the prepared soil with the pointy bit on top. Press them down firmly but don’t bury.
  • Lay your Meadowmat on top of the bulbs
  • Water thoroughly and keep moist until your wildflower turf has rooted into the soil (3-4 weeks)
spring flowering bulbs spring flowering bulbs
Buy spring flowering bulbs Buy spring flowering bulbs
When will my bulbs start growing?

The bulbs will start growing immediately, however you probably won’t notice much happening above-ground until February or March

The first thing you’ll see are the leaves poking up above the ground. These will be followed by buds and flowers

Flowering times for spring bulbs
  • Winter Aconites: January – March
  • Native Snowdrops: January – March
  • Crocus: February – March
  • Miniature Daffodils: March – April
  • Scilla: March – April
  • Grape Hyacinth: March – April
  • Native Bluebells: April – May
How to care for spring flowering bulbs

When planted in amongst wildflowers, spring flowering bulbs really don’t need any attention. All you need to do is enjoy them, maybe take photographs or pick a posy for your windowsill.

Once they have finished flowering, the leaves will start to wilt and turn brown and by summer they will have disappeared. Leave the bulbs just where they are and they will grow again the following spring.

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