Wildflower Gardening In Winter

2 min read

Wildflower Gardening In Winter – Although most people would probably associate wildflowers, and flowers in general, with the summer months, there are plenty of wildflower activities that you can pursue between October and March.

Winter evenings are the perfect time to start planning your wildflower garden for next year

© Jrabelo | Dreamstime.com – Fireside Reading Photo

This is great news for all you wildflower enthusiasts out there. What can you do until the morning frosts clear and the sun comes back out! So, here are two ways that you can quench your thirst for wildflowers this winter, starting with planning your garden.

Plan Your Summer Garden

The winter is the perfect time to plan your next garden for summer. As you probably won’t be doing much gardening, you’ll have a lot more time on your hands. As the weather gets colder and the nights draw in, spend your evenings by the fire planning your next wildflower project!

This means that you can really take time to plan your garden and get it right. It also means you can start sowing your seeds earlier than usual.

In addition, planning early means you can take on a more ambitious project. You’ll also have more time to do research and be able to track down better, rarer, and more exotic plants and wildflowers.

If you would like ideas for using wildflowers in your garden, you’ll find more information here.

Wildflower Gardening In Winter – Sow Your Seeds

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean that your garden is dormant. On the contrary, beneath the topsoil your garden is positively teeming with life. It is ready to spring back into action when the weather warms up – so why not make sure you’re ready for it by sowing your seeds early this winter?

Although the ground might be too hard to sow seeds outside, there are lots of wildflower seeds that can be sown indoors from as early as January. They can then be replanted outside once they’ve started to grow and the winter weather fades away.

As an example, Digitalis (foxglove), Achillea (yarrow), Salvia (sage), and Dianthus (pinks) can all be sown in pots in the greenhouse from January onwards.  Other pollinator-friendly plants to sow in January include sweet peas and antirrhinums.

Wildflower Gardening In Winter – Install Some Wildflower Turf

Can Wildflower Turf Be Laid In Winter?

Yes!  Wildflower turf can be laid in winter.  Just as long as the ground isn’t frozen.  In fact, the earlier in the year you wildflower turf is laid the better the floral display it will give you in summer.

So why not try it this year, and get a head start on your garden?

Here’s a video to show you how simple it is to lay Meadowmat wildflower turf

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