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Showing all 2 results

  • Sedum Roof for Insect Habitat

    £10.00 incl VAT

    Our Bughouses come with the provision for a green roof built in. Sedum adds to the biodiversity supported by the bughouse. These support pollinators and insects like all our green roofs. From the outset the sedum roof for our bughouse is supplied full of drought-loving sedum plants already to go. With substrate included – as a completely self-contained bug house green roof solution. The result is an instant green roof on your bughouse in no time.

  • Wildflower Roof for Insect Habitat

    £10.00 incl VAT

    Having a living, breathing green roof can bring wildlife, birds and insects into your garden - even if its only on a bughouse. From the outset the Wildflower roof for our bughouse is supplied full of Wildflowers already to go. With substrate included – as a completely self-contained bug house green roof solution. The result is a green roof on your bughouse in no time.

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