Wildflower meadows for pets

3 min read

wildflower meadow for pets

Cultivating a garden wildflower meadow can not only attract wildlife to your garden but also bring a little beauty to your home and provide a place for you to relax and enjoy nature. But how do you make a wildflower garden that is suitable for pets? If you own a dog or cat, Meadowmat Wildflower Turf is a great way to give them the grounds to get in touch with their wild side.

Though dogs and cats have been domesticated by us humans, we should never forget that these animals have their roots in the natural world. As a result, they enjoy spaces that make them feel like they are wild animals again and creating a meadow in your garden using Meadowmat’s hard-wearing natural wildflower turf is a simple solution that can give them a space within the bounds of your own home to do so.

How cats and dogs use wildflower meadows

Cats are likely to use a garden meadow to play at hunting prey, as they would in the wild. A wildflower meadow no matter how small or large is a great place for your cat to practice hiding and hunting and other instinctive cat-like activities. It’s like a feline gym!

For dogs, smell is their primary sense, so they are likely to be excited by all the new scents to be found in a small area of the meadow. The simple fact is that both species are likely to recognise a garden meadow as a more natural environment and will benefit psychologically from feeling that they have an area where they can behave more like wild animals.


Wildflowers contain more nutrients and minerals than commercially grown vegetables, which means that they’re an excellent food source for tortoises.  

Creating wild spaces in urban areas

If you live in a city or crowded town, it can be hard to find an area where you can walk your dog (or where your cat can go) that feels natural. A small garden meadow is not a feasible substitute for taking your dogs out for a walk, of course, but it can offer them something that their lives might be missing at present. We humans often feel the need to be in green, slightly wild places, and our pets are no different.

There are many reasons to invest in Meadowmat Wildflower Turf; it makes your garden more beautiful; it promotes biodiversity and it can have a soothing, relaxing effect on you personally. The fact that it will also make your pets happy is just one more reason to make the purchase.

We have several types of Meadowmat to choose from, including a traditional Meadowmat that offers a biodiverse mix typically found in an old-fashioned hay meadow, or a Birds and Bee mix designed to attract flying critters to your garden that your pet will surely enjoy. If you’re ready to start cultivating your own garden meadow and experience its benefits for yourself, get in touch with us today!

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