Feed the birds with Meadowmat Birds & Bees

3 min read

Meadowmat for Birds and Bees is a pre-grown blanket of flowering plants and grasses designed to make it easy to bring nature into your garden. This particular Meadowmat variety blends together 43 different species of UK native flowering plants and grasses. Furthermore, they are all particularly good for birds, bees and other pollinating insects. Visit “Help & Advice” to learn more about laying and caring for Meadowmat.

Where To Use Meadowmat For Birds And Bees

Meadowmat for Birds and Bees likes to grow on low nutrient soil in a sunny spot. It’s superb for wildlife gardens, works well growing beside a hedge or a path and can be used to create wildflower “islands” in a lawn or a gravel garden and if you are a self-builder or a developer, Meadowmat for Birds and Bees is great for BREEAM accreditation

What Plants Are In Meadowmat For Birds And Bees?

There are 43 species of native plants in Meadowmat for Birds and Bees. Most of them are either perennial which means that they’ll grow back year after year, or biennial, which means they take 2 years to complete their lifecycle and reseed themselves.

Meadowmat for Birds and Bees has a long flowering period. The year starts with the appearance of common daisies – which are a good source of nectar for bumblebees as they emerge from hibernation. As the year progresses we see more and more subtle colours appearing alongside an occasional burst of brightness from the fox-and-cubs and the cornflowers. As the days shorten and autumn sneaks up on us, there are beautifully shaped seed-heads to enjoy. This type of Meadowmat really does give good value for money. For the full seed mix please click here

meadowmat birds and bees mix
Meadowmat for Birds and Bees

Of course, we do our upmost to make sure that your Meadowmat contains as many growing species as possible.  However, some wildflowers take a long while to germinate and may not appear in the first year. Once Meadowmat has established in your garden, the species mix will adapt to it’s new environment and you may find that your wild flower area will look delightfully different from year to year. That’s just one of the many charms of growing wild flowers.

How To Care For Your Meadowmat For Birds And Bees

Meadowmat for Birds and Bees needs a slightly different regime to the other Meadowmat varieties. It’s definitely a low-maintenance method of growing an interesting wildlife garden. Provided that it’s been properly installed in the right conditions (poor soil, sunny spot) maintenance is simple. All you need to do is let it grow, flower and set seed from about March onwards. There are no jobs to do in summer or autumn. In late winter, cut the Meadowmat down to about 10 cm high and remove all of the clippings.


Meadowmat Wildflower Turf Meadowmat Meadowmat Wildflower Turf
Buy Meadowmat wildflower turf Buy Meadowmat wildflower turf Buy Wildflower turf
Are There Any Other Types Of Meadowmat?

Meadowmat for Birds and Bees is not the only wild flower matting grown here in Norfolk. We have other varieties including a shade tolerant wildflower mix for use in orchards and alongside hedges and fences; a traditional meadow mix, with lots of oxeye daisies and scented foliage to remind you of the wildflower meadows of yesteryear; and a cottage garden mix, colourful native and non-native plants that create a vintage style flower border. We also grow Meadowmat Heritage which is perfect for green roofing and also creates colourful ground cover.

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