Green Screens – Privacy and Security

2 min read

green screens

Green Screens

Privacy is important for many people. When planting a green hedge as a divider, several years patience is frequently needed until the hedge offers the densest cover. Our Green Screen eliminates the wait as individual panels can be installed for an instant, densely planted hedge that looks like it has been established for many years! Consequently, they can quickly provide instant privacy and greenery.

They are easy and fast to install, contribute to biodiversity and to a healthier environment. So they have some unique features and a lot in common with hedges that are already fully grown. Not only that but they are available in different heights and types. Produced using sustainable production methods, they can be planted throughout the year, except during frost periods.


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Moreover, the hedges may be attached to either iron or wooden posts using specially designed brackets. As not everyone wants the same hedge, we can supply different types. This helps create variation with different types of plants, colours and heights.

The biodegradable pot is made of coconut fibre, so it is environmentally friendly. Finally, the screens use high-quality fencing with a 10-year guarantee.

Green Screen – Specification

Our Green Screens have a standard width of 120 cm. The posts required to stabilize the screen are supplied in several sizes to suit all requirements. When you’re planning leave about 3 cm between the posts and the screen to allow the plant stems to swell between the iron grid of the screen and the posts.

Each Green Screen needs a humus rich soil suitable for planting shrubs . The trench must be at least 40 cm deep. The soil has to be water permeable and the drainage of the surface has to be good. The soil must be free of debris or impermeable clay layers to allow the plant roots to grow down deep into the ground. Ideally, there should be no barriers (plastic sheets, concrete slabs) to prevent the establishment of a healthy root system.

In cases where the soil is not rich in humus, add a good quality compost. Of course, a good foundation is essential for all plants. Prepare the soil carefully. Are there any obstacles in the soil? Make sure that the area where the screens are to be installed does not contain any pipelines, construction or foundations that could be damaged during the installation process.

Check with your local utilities and telecom companies in your area. Remove old foundations and other obstructions.

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